Thursday, June 23, 2011


I don't usually win things. I play Bingo, I lose (and swear). I play Scrabble, I lose. I buy a lottery ticket, and don't even come close to matching any numbers. But finally, I won! I won a blog giveaway! So Emma shipped a beautiful hand-made beanie hat all the way from Australia to Minnesota. Bennett and I are thrilled!



Emma has a lovely blog that features her three lovely boys. Check it out!

This blogging thing reminds me of being in elementary school and having a pen-pal from somewhere cool like Peoria, Illinois. Except this is way better.

Shortly after our awesome new beanie photo shoot, Bennett decided that it would be best to play with his favorite cat toy. I hate that he plays with this thing, because of course I think he's going to poke his eye out with it. But if I try to take it away, extreme sadness ensues. He thinks he's a little Harry Potter, or something, waving the thing around like he's casting spells. Mostly, he casts spells on Suggie Boogie.


In other randomness, I think I'd like to get a nice camera. And learn how to use it. I'll start saving my pennies.


Emma Kay said...

He looks gorgeous in it! :D

This is really cool. Something I've made is now in America! That's flippin' awesome!

Emma Kay said...

P.S. If you see a sudden increase in your stats, it's cause I'm totally showing off on facebook ;D