I wish I could take a snoozle right now. I have been tired lately, and I don't really have a good excuse. I'm sleeping well at night, and my life doesn't seem to be inherently exhausting. Perhaps its the repetitive string of 9:00 to 5:00's (or 7:30 to 4:00's, in my case) that persist each week. A slow, sleepy rhythm of work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep is putting me into a mental stupor. Yes, there are precious moments of play that pop in when they can, but overall, the daily grind prevails. I miss my baby every day when I go to work.
Well, if I can't take a snoozle, at least Bennett can. Pouty sleeping lips are scrumptious. I love, love, love him more than I can say.

Oh, and you may have noticed that Playlist has inserted some choice advertisements in between songs. Like ads for killing bugs. Kind of ruins my vibe, so enjoy the silence for the time being.
Wow he's looking pretty boyish these days, like not babyish. Does that make sense?
Justin and I were talking just yesterday about the house next to ours. We're doing some major renovations and in the end, our house will look really nice, but we live right next door to a real crapper! We were talking about how we want to buy it, move it closer to the road and build another house in it's backyard {we live in an old suburb where they still have nice big blocks of land} and I said something about him building it. He was all shocked and said "no way! I'm paying the man!". I said we should do it together since I'll need something to do when I'm done having babies. He told me I'd be going back to work and while that is true, I reminded him that I can't just work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep. I need something more {I think we all do really, and those who don't have found that something more in their jobs anyway}. What I'm trying to say is I understand what you mean. It's exhausting and depressing when you're in that rut. Find something more, because you're the only one who can do it for yourself :D
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