We ventured out yesterday evening for some free jazz at the Pavilion. It was quite the adventure, indeed. Bennett was being extra cute, as per usual.

So, we've seen this guy a few times now... just a walkin' around the lake with his monkey. That's right, a monkey. Not a particularily small monkey, either. He's about the size of, say, your average 18 month old. Once Nic walked up to this pair when they were lounging on a park bench. The dude warned him. "Better not come any closer - he likes to dig in peoples' pockets..." Oh my. And sorry - this is the best shot I could get without "getting too close".
So, we've seen this guy a few times now... just a walkin' around the lake with his monkey. That's right, a monkey. Not a particularily small monkey, either. He's about the size of, say, your average 18 month old. Once Nic walked up to this pair when they were lounging on a park bench. The dude warned him. "Better not come any closer - he likes to dig in peoples' pockets..." Oh my. And sorry - this is the best shot I could get without "getting too close".
The Green Bean is all over the place now. I can barely manage to keep him anywhere near the nice blanket we put down, let alone keep him from crawling dangerously near puddles of bird poo that happen to land near the pavilion railings. But hangin' with Daddy is his favorite, and that Twins hat provides a nice distraction.
I'm thinking that our new neighborhood is going to make for some special childhood memories.
What GORGEOUS photos! Especially that last one.
Emma - thanks so much! I appreciate you reading and commenting... it makes me happy!
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