Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sitting Up! (And other random thoughts).

Bennett has perfected the art of sitting up. He's really proud of his new skill! And his hair has been pretty cute lately - it is SO soft and fluffy. It sticks straight up sometimes.


We enjoyed a three day weekend, and I loved every minute of it. In fact, I'm trying to figure out how I can make three day weekends a permanent fixture in my schedule. You know how they talk about that whole "work-life balance" thing? Well, 5 days working and 2 days off is not balanced in any sense of the word. Winning the lottery would be an ideal solution to this too much work problem. Perhaps I should start investing in scratch-off tickets.

At a family birthday party on Saturday, we captured a four generation picture. Pretty cool stuff. Bennett had been crying right before this was taken, but Daddy always has some tricks up his sleeve to induce a smile.


Last update for today: I finally broke down and bought a new pair of pants. Pants that are appropriate for work, that actually fit. I was thinking that 6 months in to this whole baby thing, I'd most certainly fit into all of my old clothes. It may have been possible, if I had found the motivation to actually exercise. Unfortunately (or fortunately, perhaps?) drinking hot chocolate and eating donuts has won out over the daily morning workout. Swimsuit season is only a few months away... where's that dang motivation when I need it?


Emma Kay said...

Your boy is so dang photogenic! And congrats Bennett on the new trick :D

KMack said...

Bennet has great hair!!!! like one of those dandelions that has gone to seed--so sweet! Iain says "way to go buddy - before you know it we will be chasing each other around the park!"