Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Big adventure this week: real food. Not that mommy milk isn't real food, but hey - bananas are a solid, man. This is exciting stuff, and we should have taken more pictures. But at the end of the day, squeezing in one picture is sometimes all we can manage. I hope to capture lots of food-related fun-time in the near future. Green pea mush on the face, anyone? For now, one measly picture of bananas on the construction spoon. Yummy.


Other recent adventures include: Daddy's 31st birthday and invigorating walks around the lake in a crazy cart with Suggie Boogie. All of these things make the Green Bean happy, and then tired.



He rarely falls asleep in my arms anymore, so I enjoy every second of sleepy baby bliss when he does. I've been feeling really bad about not spending enough time with him. Working 40 hours a week is definitely taking a toll. Gotta keep on keepin' on, though. He gets a lot of quality time with Daddy every day, and that rocks.

Our house is slowly starting to feel like a home. There are a few cozy, organized spots that we can retreat to... and for a minute we can pretend that there aren't 30 more boxes to unpack in the next room! Wish us luck as the project continues.

1 comment:

KMack said...

I love that spoon!!! Way to go Bennett - looks like he liked them!!!! It is amazing how big he is getting!!!!