Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Thank goodness for snow tires. The commute the last couple of days has been nearly intolerable. Without my trusty snow tires, I likely would have ended up in at least one ditch. However, as I was reminded this morning, it is difficult (if not impossible) to get into an accident going 3 miles per hour. Over a foot of snow in less than 24 hours means much more time in my car, and much less time with my Bennett. Ten minutes of snuggle time in the morning is just not enough. But he enjoys sleeping in, and who am I to wake a sleeping Green Bean?


I have been tired lately. I'm sure the combination of full-time work, mommyhood, married life and being in the middle of a big move has something to do with it. These are all such good things, and I wish the simple goodness of it all could magically dig up hidden energy reserves and send me on some sort of productivity spree. I want to make a shift from simply getting through the day to rising to the occasion each day. Perhaps some positive thinking might be enough to nudge me in the right direction. We'll see.

An update on our new (old) house: I call it the new (old) house because though it is new to us, it was built in 1937. It has lots of character, which will be a great fit for our family. There are a ton of projects (big and small) to be done, and we started with a complete overhaul of the kitchen. Pictures to come. We will be making our official move sometime in the next few weeks. One of the best parts of being at the new place - it only takes 10 minutes for me to drive to work. 10 minutes!! That means roughly an extra 4-5 hours with Bennett and Nic every week. Serious bonus.

Until then, I'll be stuck in the car and cursing the snow. Thinking positive, though - melted snow on the windshield is kind of pretty.


1 comment:

Emma Kay said...

"I want to make a shift from simply getting through the day to rising to the occasion each day. "

Amen! That's something I'm working on at the moment too. And I was getting a little further each day until bam, gone and got me a cold today, plus a 5 year old and a 4 month old with colds too :(