I must admit that I have been rather gloomy lately. And all doom and gloom is quite tiring, indeed. I was thinking that if I sat down and made a giant list of the pros and cons of my life as it sits today, there would be SO many pros, and just a miniscule pile of cons. Yeah, the cons stink like poo, but the pros smell like fresh flowers! So I figure I have a few choices. I can either subject myself to focusing on poopy cons and their stinky stench, or I can plug my nose and walk away. Better yet, I can gather up all of the fabulous, fragrant, good, wonderful flowery pros, and breathe in the happiness. Today, I am consciously making the choice to do the latter. Ahhhh. That feels good.
The view from my office chair today. E-mail? Eh. Not too exciting. But my Green Bean collage? Lovin' it.
Happy Friday, and Happy Easter!