Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sitting Up! (And other random thoughts).

Bennett has perfected the art of sitting up. He's really proud of his new skill! And his hair has been pretty cute lately - it is SO soft and fluffy. It sticks straight up sometimes.


We enjoyed a three day weekend, and I loved every minute of it. In fact, I'm trying to figure out how I can make three day weekends a permanent fixture in my schedule. You know how they talk about that whole "work-life balance" thing? Well, 5 days working and 2 days off is not balanced in any sense of the word. Winning the lottery would be an ideal solution to this too much work problem. Perhaps I should start investing in scratch-off tickets.

At a family birthday party on Saturday, we captured a four generation picture. Pretty cool stuff. Bennett had been crying right before this was taken, but Daddy always has some tricks up his sleeve to induce a smile.


Last update for today: I finally broke down and bought a new pair of pants. Pants that are appropriate for work, that actually fit. I was thinking that 6 months in to this whole baby thing, I'd most certainly fit into all of my old clothes. It may have been possible, if I had found the motivation to actually exercise. Unfortunately (or fortunately, perhaps?) drinking hot chocolate and eating donuts has won out over the daily morning workout. Swimsuit season is only a few months away... where's that dang motivation when I need it?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Big adventure this week: real food. Not that mommy milk isn't real food, but hey - bananas are a solid, man. This is exciting stuff, and we should have taken more pictures. But at the end of the day, squeezing in one picture is sometimes all we can manage. I hope to capture lots of food-related fun-time in the near future. Green pea mush on the face, anyone? For now, one measly picture of bananas on the construction spoon. Yummy.


Other recent adventures include: Daddy's 31st birthday and invigorating walks around the lake in a crazy cart with Suggie Boogie. All of these things make the Green Bean happy, and then tired.



He rarely falls asleep in my arms anymore, so I enjoy every second of sleepy baby bliss when he does. I've been feeling really bad about not spending enough time with him. Working 40 hours a week is definitely taking a toll. Gotta keep on keepin' on, though. He gets a lot of quality time with Daddy every day, and that rocks.

Our house is slowly starting to feel like a home. There are a few cozy, organized spots that we can retreat to... and for a minute we can pretend that there aren't 30 more boxes to unpack in the next room! Wish us luck as the project continues.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Swimming in a sea of boxes. We're in our new place! The move was stressful, as moves are, but we all survived. Box by box, we're trying to unpack our lives and make sure that everything has a place to go. And let me just say - we have WAY too much stuff. Our house is stuffed with stuff! I have been attempting to keep a mental "to-do" list going, and right after items such as find Bennett's nail clipper and dig out a pair of pants to wear to work comes locate the nearest Goodwill and plan weekly trips to donate bags o' stuff.


Right now, Bennett is like a ticking time bomb. In a good way. He has been doing all sorts of crazy moves, trying anything he can to get his little body to move forward. He literally pulled off a downward dog-like pose the other day. Very amusing. But boy oh boy, do we have some major baby-proofing to do. I had grand visions about how when we unpacked at our new place, we could baby-proof as we went, creating a safe, comfortable home for the Green Bean. Easier said than done. Just the thought of all that hard work makes Suggie so very tired.


In other important news, Spring is on the way! I know this because there are finally tiny patches of sad, muddy looking grass peeking through the melty mountains of snow that weighed heavily on them for the last few months. And it is supposed to rain this week, so we'd better hurry up and find some umbrellas. Finding umbrellas in the Great Box Sea - again, easier said than done. Oh well. Bennett will be enjoying Spring, and is certainly enjoying his latest moving adventure.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mmmm... foot.

Why do babies do this? Step 1: discover foot. Step 2: insert foot in mouth. Strange, but super cute nonetheless.


Bennett has been very busy lately. He is SO close to crawling - it is going to happen any minute now. That will, of course, drive us into some sort of frenzy trying to keep every breakable/poisonous/icky/valuable thing in our household out of his reach.

We have been very busy lately as well. Our big move is now less than a week away. Are we ready? Is everything packed up and ready to go? Um, no. Perhaps the Moving Fairy will appear overnight and I'll wake up and everything will be neatly organized into boxes and the boxes will be neatly piled up AND the carpet will be clean. A girl can dream, right?

Moving can be stressful, and I plan to counter the stress with bubble baths. And that's all I have to say about that.

More to come on the big move. And more to come as the Green Bean gets moving.